Salesforce Commerce Cloud Robots.txt Template

Salesforce Commerce Cloud, formerly Demandware, is a business to consumer (B2C) CMS. The platform is typically used by organizations that range from mid-sized to enterprise level. Commerce Cloud drives approximately 12,800 sites online. Similar to other CMS's, Commer Cloud sites typically house URLs that are commonly found in the infrastructure of all site. They range…
December 17, 2021

Salesforce Commerce Cloud, formerly Demandware, is a business to consumer (B2C) CMS. The platform is typically used by organizations that range from mid-sized to enterprise level. Commerce Cloud drives approximately 12,800 sites online.

Similar to other CMS’s, Commer Cloud sites typically house URLs that are commonly found in the infrastructure of all site. They range from filter pages to customer sensitive pages. That’s great for webmasters as the below robots.txt should be a good start for a file.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /Account-EditProfile
Disallow: /Account-PasswordReset
Disallow: /Account-SetNewPassword
Disallow: /Account-SetNewPasswordConfirm
Disallow: /Account-Show
Disallow: /Account-StartRegister
Disallow: /Address-List
Disallow: /CC_Login-Form
Disallow: /COBilling-Start
Disallow: /COCustomer-Start
Disallow: /COShipping-Start
Disallow: /COSummary-Start
Disallow: /COSummary-Submit
Disallow: /Cart-Show
Disallow: /Compare-Show
Disallow: /CustomerService-ContactUs
Disallow: /CustomerService-Show
Disallow: /Default-Offline
Disallow: /Default-Start
Disallow: /Error-Start
Disallow: /GiftCert-Edit
Disallow: /GiftCert-Purchase
Disallow: /GiftRegistry-Search
Disallow: /GiftRegistry-ShowRegistryByID
Disallow: /GiftRegistry-Start
Disallow: /GiftRegistryCustomer-Show
Disallow: /Home-ErrorNotFound
Disallow: /Order-History
Disallow: /PaymentInstruments-List
Disallow: /ReferAFriend-Start
Disallow: /Search-Show
Disallow: /Search-ShowContent
Disallow: /Stores-Find
Disallow: /Wishlist-Search
Disallow: /Wishlist-Show
Disallow: /Wishlist-ShowOther
Disallow: /*prefv*
Disallow: /*prefn*
Disallow: /*pmax
Disallow: /*pmin
Disallow: /PaymentInstruments-List


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